Feb 10, 2022A New Professional AssociationI'm very pleased to have recently joined the British Acupuncture Association a professional body that holds it members to the highest...
Oct 26, 2021Acupuncture and the Treatment of MigraineA brief look at migraines and why acupuncture might provide effective treatment with lasting effects,
Sep 29, 2021'Excessive Use of the Eyes Injures the Heart.' Or, It’s All Nonsense Until its Suddenly Not!A look at the first of the 'Five Taxations' and how recent research seems to support this ancient observation.
Sep 6, 2021Insomnia and Chinese MedicineSomewhere near the beginning of the film Fight Club Edward Norton’s character observes that “when you have insomnia you’re never really...
Aug 6, 2021Acupuncture on the InternetI’m always looking for interesting things about acupuncture, be that podcasts, interviews or articles. Partly it’s just my incessant...